‘God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which ye have showed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.’ Hebrews 6:10
Dear All Saints,
I hope that you are all well as we wait this thing out. And waiting can be one of the hardest things that we can do. That’s because you don’t know how long you have to wait! Have you ever noticed that it seems to take a lot longer to go to a new place the 1st time you go there. Then on the way home you say, ‘Huh, that didn’t take as long as I remembered the first time!’ So we wait, but we must wait in hope. We talk a great deal about that in the Advent season and not so much in Lent. But either way, we must wait in patience and devotion, otherwise it isn’t virtuous, it does us no good.
It is fair to say that waiting is easier in the company of friends. Sadly, the demands of the Governor has made that almost impossible. Fr. Heaton and I have been pretty busy lately with School business. He’s doing a fantastic job leading the staff toward a successful resolution to the larger questions of online education. I have been about the smaller business of learning how to be an online teacher, and an online pastor. It is difficult to be the priest of a congregation remotely! It is difficult to be a congregation remotely! The Scriptures tell us that the Church is a body, and not just any body, but the body of Christ. We do believe that we are one with Christians around the world that we will never see. But we should never think that the Church is the sum of billions of anonymous individuals. The Church must be experienced in person, by us as persons, as we gather to pray and to receive the sacraments. Fr. Heaton and I take this very seriously. While we are working at a number of ways to keep you in touch these will never be a substitute for the real thing.
However that may be for the time being, some of you have asked how you can make your pledged contributions to the Parish since we aren’t able to gather for worship. For those who are comfortable going online, most banks provide online payment options for many accounts. Instructions follow.
Others may be more comfortable with sending a check by mail. Whatever the method, we thank you for your continued faithfulness to the parish and our ministry together.
Whether mailing a hard copy check or addressing a payee using online bill pay, please draft as follows:
All Saints Church
122 Fleetwood Drive
Lynchburg, VA 24501
For an electronic means of giving, please consider using your bank’s online bill pay option to setup a one-time or recurring payment. Instructions for a few area banks follows:
- BB&T: Navigate to the Payments section, and click “More.”
- SunTrust
- First National Bank: Navigate to the section “Online Bill Pay.”
- Bank of the James
For most banks, simply use your search engine of choice to search for the name of your bank with the phrase “online bill pay” to find specific instructions. Many banks include this service with checking accounts by default, and bundle it at no additional charge.
I thank you for your generosity and your commitment to the life and ministry of the Parish and the Diocese of the Central States. Not only do our tithes go to our local mission, but to the support of our Bishop and other missions in the Diocese. Likewise, the economic downturn makes our contributions to local charities even more imperative.
May the Lord continue to bless us as we seek to bring the whole world to love his son Jesus,
Fr. Morse