A Message from the Rector – January 16 Service Canceled

Dear All Saints,

The snow is coming and it’s so exciting! It looks like the snow is supposed to start just as we are arriving for service and pick up from there. That’s not safe! So we’ll cancel service for January 16.

I recommend you say Morning Prayer with your family. The Psalm is 118. The lessons are Zech. 8:1-8, 20-23 and 1 Cor. 12:12-31a. In your prayers please remember all who suffer from COVID or who are recovering from the virus. Remember also our political leaders, and to pray for peace among all nations of the world.

Please let me know if you need anything in this time of inclement weather.


Fr. Morse

Evensong & Potluck

Wednesdays during Lent @ 6:30 pm
